Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Truth about Net Neutrality

This Forbes article (November, 2014) discusses Netflix's public complaint asking for "Net Neutrality". But the truth was far different than what appeared.  Netflix thought the Cable TV Providers were "throttling" Netflix pipes to customers, even showing a graph that demonstrated significant speed increases after a new contract with Comcast.
What was really going on?  Prior to the contract with Comcast, which allowed DIRECT hookup between Netflix and Comcast, providers like Netflix had to go through "transit providers". Their choice had been Cogent. So what REALLY happened was Cogent was intentionally throttling its wholesale providers, to the benefit of its retail providers. You cut Cogent out--transmission speeds go up!

Here are the details:


Now subsequent to this, Netflix is fighting for this "Net Neutrality" because their customers are now using over 30% of ALL downloaded traffic on the Internet. So ISP providers want Netflix to pay for that--Netflix doesn't want to pay. If they can shift the cost to Comcast--hey guess who's the bad guy?


So what happens if the FCC takes it over?
1) Expect taxes for Internet usage (minor)
2) "If you like your plan, you get to keep your plan".  Look for a whole new way to charge for usage.

but worst of all...

3) you just gave control of THE BIGGEST freedom of information vehicle to an organization who could shut down your use of the internet, i.e. familiar with the use of Internet in China?

What's needed is for YOU to send a message you do NOT want this FCC takeover.  Last day for comments is FEB 26, 2015.   Here's one place you can make your voice heard.
