Thursday, August 8, 2019

Walgreens -- Intentional High Prices -- What a Strategy!

USA Today and others posted in the last few days that "200 Walgreens Stores Closing".  It's no wonder with their pricing policies.

I needed some Amlodipine to fill a prescription.  I knew that walking in off the street Walgreens would soak you. I just didn't know how much. On my initial visit, they were going to charge me $58 for 30 tablets 10mg. I had just recently learned of where I had cross-checked prices and they were nowhere near this number. I mentioned it to the pharmacist, then had to dig out the coupon on my phone. They dropped the price to around $19. Still high compared to others, but I thought $3-4 for convenience was ok.

So recently I went back for a refill. Now the price is $28! With the coupon! I went to check Here's the list:
Table of Pricing

Wait--most expensive was Walgreens "WITH MEMBERSHIP"? What does that mean?

So with a $20 annual membership, you can then get it for $10, according to GoodRX. But I can walk in off the street at H.E.B. and get it for $12, and not be tied to their pharmacy. But to do that at Walgreens?  Fork over your $69.78!

Forget that. I hope my local Walgreens closes and I can get a replacement store with reasonable pricing.